Sunday, March 27, 2011

Last two for the week....

Well here are the last 2 I have to show for the week .

The first is a cute design by Country Keepsakes .This lovely raggedy all decked out in her country colours holding her ragged bear .

And then theres another addition to my "Kelseys Kuties" range .This gorgeous chenille bunny designed by "Bit of Whimsy" dolls would make a lovely Easter gift .

Till next week ..... take care

Cathron Country Designs!

What an absolute pleasure it is to work with Cath from "Cathron Country Designs" .

She is truly a talented lady not only designing these wonderful doll patterns but she also does graphics and painting .Such a treasure all rolled into one!

This is her newest design "teacup annie"

As you can see I haven't put mine into a teacup but I have seen Caths done and they look so cute .This little Annie is free standing holding her garland of flowers .

If you get a chance pop on over to Caths website to see all she has too offer...... you won't be disappointed .

Little Sweeties!

Well here we are again , new listings time for my website

Once again I have been blessed with some gorgeous patterns to make up.

The first 3 little sweeties are designed by Sheila at "craftaholic creations" . I love Sheilas patterns they are so simple and easy to use and always turn out delightful .Have a look , what do you think?

Monday, March 14, 2011

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Why is it that I can buy an Australian designers patterns for cheaper in the U.S and that includes postage than I can here in Australia.???? like I said unbelievable....

Easter Chocolate Crow edition

Hi everyone ,

Just thought I'd give a sneak peek of my lines for next weeks "Chocolate Crow trader" .

As it is the Easter theme , I made bunnies if course!!!

The set of 2 little bunnies is from a "Cat & Fiddle " pattern which has a Mumma bunny also.I will try to get her made up before the changeover on the 15th .

The second "Prim bonnie" is by "Craftaholic creations" .I love her patterns they are so quick and easy to make.

Well I hope you like them!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Finished them at last

Well its taken me all week but finally got these 4 little cuties finished and on the website.

These are the country version of the ones listed the other day.

Great design by Cath at "Cathron country" , pop on over and have a look at her patterns!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Everything `seems to be little this week

Seems to me that everything I have listed this week are small dolls.These 2 are by "Craftaholic Creations" .Don't you just loooove their sad eyes.

Have you seen these little sweeties?

I just love to make this little dolls by Cath at "Cathron Country". She is so clever . I also like to do them in nice country colours.Hope to show some of those later in the week.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Lets start again!!!!!

Well I didn't get off to a very good start did I!

I can't believe its over a month since I did my last post , where does the time go.

Like I don't have enough to do . I got my childrens range off and running this month , so I have been constructive on the sewing machine but not on the computer . So today I updated my website with some new lines , stuck some old ones on ebay that need clearing and you guessed it ,now I am updating my blog .

I have decided Mondays is now housework and computer days , then 3 days a week are dedicated to my childrens range and 3 days are dedicated to my country/prim range .Wish me luck!

Next Monday I hope to have a giveaway ready to go .As you know I am looking for more ways to build up my followers (not enough love me yet) and thanks very much to PatC from "All is Bright" for her feedback on how I should go about it. Thanks Pat!

Well thats enough rambling .Hope you enjoy my new pics from Angels in Disguise ,Deenas country & Bit of Whimsy dolls patterns .

Take care till next week.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Floods , floods everywhere

It is so devasting here in Queensland ,Australia at the moment . There is water everywhere except where I live. For once I actually am happy about living here when I see what so many are going through. They say that up to 200 000 people have been affected in some way. The main roads are cut from our capital city to here, so there will be no food trucks getting through for 3 or 4 days maybe longer , lets hope not.

To all my fellow Queenslanders who are affected I wish you all well and good luck!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Missing in Action!

Well I'm back!

Where have I been you may well ask ???? not blogging thats for sure .

I must admit I did grow weary of posting blogs and not really getting many hits or followers ( except of course for my lovely 7).

But my one and only New Years resolution was to concentrate super doper hard on my sites this year .None of this silly loosing weight or excercising more , thats not for me . my scales would tell you.

So now I'm looking for ways to increase my followers , so I was thinking of having a giveaway or something along those lines .

Any good ideas would be appreciated from anyone who has managed to increase theirs.!!!!!!!

I will be adding more pics ect in the near future of my makings .